First your it, don't go and see it at the theaters. From the opening it had Catherine Hardwicke's sigature stamp on immediately reminded me of the Twilight series...not only the feel of the movie but even the music. The camera panning shots about made me ill...blurry and unfocused and nothing to do with the story on a few of the shots. She also had Billy Burke as a main character which seemed a bit ironic to me...he was Bella's dad in Twilight, Charlie Swan. It was too close to the Twilight series to cast him for me. The wolf in the movie was, well lacking. The wolves in New Moon were much better and more realistic. There wasn't any scary parts in there enough for me to even jump up or get excited about.
The costumes were lacking too, I'm a huge fan of costumes if done right...this movie won't earn any Oscars for that department. It was a PG13 and not much for the suspense or character development....a very quickly put together movie for me...not one for my dvd collection.
Over all rating C...