Well the new year came and I got to kiss my best little man on New Year's Eve. That was the highlight of the night.
Things got a little hairy at work. My boss is very much like Professor Umbridge in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. She is sickingly sweet one moment then an evil "wench" the next. I was told is was done to each employee but I think she just didn't like me from the start. She proceed to give me little math exams just to make me feel stupid and harassed. I hate math and she just loved to make me feel like I was in Kindergarden again. She wasn't a nice person. She'd give me questions that I didn't even have to know for the job, the computer does them for the technician.
Well then she cut my hours from 24 a week to just 4 a week! I knew she had started to train a new tech. but the woman had no training as a tech and probably won't last under her riegn of terror for long.
Last night I saw her come into work on her day off and knew. I was fired. The conversation lasted all of two minutes and I walked out without a good bye or an "F" you to my former boss. I don't want Karma to come back at me and show me what she can do, so I left without any lashing out.
Now I can only look to the future with happy thoughts and a positive attitude. I will get a job and I will succeed at it. And it will be much better than the last one.
The only thing I will miss is the friends I made there, one in particular I will miss, she was a friend and confidant.
So wish me luck please on finding the perfect job for me and please, I need one fast, as in last week, fast.
That sucks, sis. Maybe this time you can get a job closer to home, though.
Everything happens for a reason, right? Let's hope this was so you could find that dream job in your new hometown...or maybe it's to give you a good solid kick in the ass to get you back to school. I'm just sayin'. Maybe if both you and James worked crappy side jobs while going to school, it'd work out.
I know school would be wonderful and I've thought about it a lot, right now I'm looking to get aid first.
Then get into school.
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